75K for 75Years

Information on school schedule will go here.
(What a day looks like for each grade)
Each teacher has daily prayer, devotions, and a time to teach bible in their classroom. Keeping the Christian beliefs in our classroom is also important. The teachers use their Christian beliefs in all areas of academics; science, social studies/history, reading, writing, and math. Christ is all around us and is in our classrooms. The teachers at VCS help teach the students see how God can be in every area of our lives by using the core education. Integrating Christ into our discussions is a daily occurrence at VCS. Christ is the center of our education at VCS.
The after school program is available to all students attending VCS. Preschool – 8th grade. It starts immediately after school and closes at 5:30 pm. There is a short devotion, snack, outside play time, indoor games, homework help as needed.